Frequently Asked Questions

  • You can sign up via the registration page. Click here.

  • For more questions, you can send an e-mail to studenthousing@gapph.nl

    Or reach us by phone via; 088- 62 62 200

  • All Dutch, European and non-European students can qualify for rent allowance as long as they have their own front door. So if you live in Bagijnhof, Hof van Sint Pieter or another campus location with shared facilities, you will unfortunately not receive rent allowance. Do you live in Koestraat, Roggeveenhof or Bachtensteene, then you can apply for rent allowance via the tax authorities (Belastingdienst) via their website. If you have a double-room at Roggeveenhof or Koestraat, one person can apply for rent allowance, which is often shared between both tenants.

  • Yes, it is possible to forward your campus choice to us. When you register, you can indicate at which campus location you would prefer to live. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee your preference. It depends on the availability we have. We of course do our very best to assign every student in a campus of choice.

  • The rooms are unfurnished. Each year the HAC (part of UCR) is organizing a furniture fund for new students. At the furniture fund it is possible to buy second-hand furniture for a very small price.

    Via Gapph it is also possible to order a complete furniture package. We work with a company called; Student Furniture Holland.
    Orders can only be placed before a certain date, which we will of course communicate in advance via e-mail.

  • We are open from Monday – Friday between 9:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 16:00 o’clock.

    In the contract we have stated the start date. From this date and onwards it is possible to pick-up your keys at our office; Lange Noordstraat 34 in Middelburg.
    We will also inform you in advance about the check-in procedure.

    In case you are not able to pick-up your key, you may also re-schedule your check-in appointment. Please note that the start date of your contract will not be adjusted.
    It is not possible for another person to pick up your keys, you have to be present yourself to sign the contract and picking up the keys.

    Did you already paid in advance? Please make sure to bring a proof of payment.

  • You can call 088- 62 62 200 and follow the instructions. Please listen to the entire tape and press 1. If you hang-up before the tape has ended, the connection will automatically stops. Your call will not be forwarded.
    When we are present again at the office, we will receive a report from this. If we can still help students with certain matters, we will of course inform them individually.

  • Our bank details are visible on the invoice. It is a possibility to transfer the rent manually.

    We can of course also have the rent deducted automatically from an European bank account number as of the 1st of every month. You can fill in a mandate for this. This is an authorization form.

    It is also possible to pay the rent at our office. At our office you can pay by PIN.

  • You are always responsible for paying your monthly rent and service costs. Make sure you have enough balance on your account. Did the automatic payment not work out? It could be possible that we have a invalid bank account number. Please contact our headquarters via; financieel@gapph.nl
    When we are not able to deduct the rent automatically, it needs to be paid manually by the student.

  • Yes, you will have to pay a monthly service charge per campus (in addition to your rent). You can find an overview from the service costs on our website (‘rent and service costs). You will receive a final settlement of the actual costs incurred for the period January to December. This will be send in May/June. Depending on the final settlement, you will either receive a refund or you will have to pay extra. No settlement will be made for the aforementioned contributions Real Estate Tax, Elbuco and internet. Service costs can be adjusted annually.

  • The deposit  your room is € 250,00 and the one time administration fee is € 60,00. The deposit will be returned to your account after you have checked-out of the room. It will take 9 to 10 weeks before it can be returned to your back account (the 6 weeks are calculated from the end date of the contract), and when the room have been left clean- and undamaged.

  • UCR

    We as Gapph are the official Housing Consultant for UCR students. It’s not possible to do a viewing beforehand. You can of course see the pictures of your Campus location on our website. As soon as we have completed the room assigning, you can request the pictures of your room, so that we can send you the pictures.

    (HZ) student

    We as Gapph are not the official Housing Consultant for HZ or other students. This means that based on application we receive, we can offer (HZ) students a room in 1 of our beautiful campuses. A viewing is not a restriction, but we do provide the possibilities to schedule a viewing.

    Please make sure to registrar beforehand and to deliver the required documents. You can contact us afterwards via telephone or mail to schedule an appointment.

  • UCR

    When your dossier is complete, you will hear at least a month in advance where you will live. You will be informed by us via email .


    As soon as your dossier is complete, we can send you an offer for a room.
    If you accept our offer, we will discuss the start- and end date for your housing contract.


    Are you a student or intern from another school? Then we would like to discuss the possibilities indivudally with you.
    We will send you a room offer for one of our campuses in Middelburg.

    The signed contact can be found in your account.

  • It is a restriction to register yourself at the municipality of Middelburg.
    This is possible at their office. Most Dutch students can arrange this beforehand via the website of the municipality.

    You need to bring your ID or Passport with your and the contract of your room. The address from the municipality is;
    Kanaalweg 3
    4337 PA Middelburg

  • We expect you to live according to the set house rules and act responsibly. Related to the temporary kind of housing offered, we expect you to be flexible and able to move as soon as your contract has ended.

  • UCR

    No, this is not possible. There are two end dates, namely July 15th and December 31st . This means that if it is terminated after December 31st, the contract will expire until July 15th.

    These agreements are made between Gapph and UCR.

    (HZ) student

    If you’re a (HZ) student we will discuss the end date of your contract individually.

  • All campuses have access to an internet connection. The internet connection differs per campus. UCR is in charge of the wired internet access. During UCR’s introduction week, all UCR students will receive a package from UCR that includes a code for the internet.

    All non-UCR students will receive the code for internet during check-in from Gapph. See below the different kinds of internet connections per campus.
    Bachtensteene = wired internet access
    Hof van Sint Pieter = wifi
    Zuidsingel = wired internet access
    Roggeveenhof = wired internet access
    Koestraat = wired internet access
    Nieuwe Haven = arrange your own internet with fellow residents
    Bagijnhof = wired internet access

    To use the wired internet access you need to have a router.
    You can buy a router for example in Mediamarkt or BCC.


    How does it works?

    • Connect your router directly to the wall outlet with a network cable in the WAN port of the router (internet port). Maybe you need to re-configure your router before being able to set up wifi, you can follow the instructions on the manual of your router.
    • Connect your laptop wirelessly to the router and register your laptop.

    If you connect your laptop wireless to the router you should get a pop-up asking you to register; https://qnet.ucr.nl/register with the login details you received from UCR or the login details below. If this pop-up is not showing automatically, try to open your browser and visit for example google, than the register site will show up automatically.

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